Barbara Allen: Useful links

Polycentric Circles on the film:

On the Commons:

Özge Yaka: Commentary on Peter Söderbaum’s Paper: “How Can the Language of Economics be Made Politically More Relevant in Relation with Sustainable Development” (1)

My commentary takes Peter’s written contribution on the blog as a basis. I will also try to reflect on the main question of the workshop:
how to go beyond Ostrom?
I see some similarities between Polanyi and Ostrom in terms of the
effects of their work. More


Peter Söderbaum: How Can the Language of Economics be Made Politically more Relevant in Relation to Sustainable Development? (2)

Actors connected with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation are concerned about present unsustainable trends. RLF actors make the judgment that something new need to happen. Business as usual (BAU) or “ecological modernization” is not enough. We also have to consider radical changes in thinking and institutional arrangements. Continue reading

Małgorzata Anna Dereniowska: From The Legacy of Ostrom to a Full Integration of Ethics, Economics, and Politics: A Deliberative Path Toward Sustainability Economics

The seventh workshop in the series “Is it Possible to Have Another Economics for Another Economic Policy?” continues the discussion from previous years by looking for answers that would adequately address the challenges of a sustainable and just future, and what the necessary conditions are to a reformed economic theory and practice. More