Author Archives: Judith Dellheim

About Judith Dellheim

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Referentin Solidarische Ökonomie

Workshop Organisers: Working Theses

To further your thinking and rethinking and to stimulate you to “feed” the workshop blog we want to “sharpen” the working theses to a few, but even more provocative statements:

1.    The fascinating ability of the Ostroms for formulating helpful questions concerning the possible ways for dealing with “threats to sustainability” is highly fruitful for dealing with mainstream economics, but it must not be regarded as an offensive dealing with them. Continue reading

Barbara Allen: A Role for Cooperatives in Managing and Governing Common Pool Resources and Common Property Systems

The concept “polycentricity” stands as a foundation for the theory, empirical studies, and practical applications of ideas that have come out of works by Vincent Ostrom, Elinor Ostrom, and their colleagues at the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. Self-governance is the basic value and principle in their writings. Vincent Ostrom theorized and Elinor Ostrom demonstrated that the particular form of “rule ordered relations”– in short, institutions– which was perhaps most conducive to self-governance could be described as many “centers” of semi-autonomous, concurrent authorities–polycentric institutional designs. Continue reading